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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
- Details - On April 2, 2017, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church held a solemn liturgy to mark the 40th anniversary of episcopal ordination of Archbishop Emeritus Lubomyr (Husar) at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection. It was reported by the Information Department of the UGCC.
In his thanksgiving speech, the hero of the day voiced two requests to the clergy and faithful ...
“Today we commemorate the event, which happened exactly 40 years ago in the monastery church of Saint Theodore Studite in Grottaferrata near Rome. Patriarch Iosyp ordained three bishops: Bishop Stepan (Chmil), Bishop Ivan (Khoma) and me. This event is often referred to recently. This event was due to the concern for the existence of our Church in Ukraine and abroad. Patriarch Iosyp was afraid that the brutal persecution of the Church can cause great damage. So he dared to make such a very special step.”
“I would like to remind something from that past and ask you about something,” His Beatitude said. “Somehow, by God's providence it happened so that only I survivedout of those present at the monastery church. I feel the duty to extend special gratitude to all those present for the holy prayers, because today they remembered in a special manner while that time and those experiences. But it would be very little, if I asked for prayers only those present in Grottaferrata in the monastery church. I want to ask you very warmly that you remembered hundreds of thousands of people in your prayers who are also worried about the problem of our Church’s being. Because thanks to the ones who had such a sacrificialreadiness to carry the burden of persecution because of their fidelity to the holy Church, our Church exists today,” said the hero of the day.
Archbishop Emeritus continued, “This is my second request for you. The days of atrocious persecution are gone, but we always face the same mission, the same care to our Church, in the full sense of the word, was that very church where they love the Lord God, where they are willing to serve sacrificially to each other. My request to you on behalf of my brothers from the past, I ask you to pray and work so our Church could develop, live and in this way glorify God and serve our people!”
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CWN - The head of the Russian Orthodox Church lamented the Saint Petersburg Metro bombing, which left 14 dead and dozens injured.
“The impudent crime that has been committed cannot have any justification,” said Patriarch Kirill of Moscow. “The Russian Orthodox Church strongly condemns aggressive actions against civilians and calls on society to counter any manifestations of violence.”
“May the Almighty One send His abundant assistance to rescuers, medical workers, law enforcement officials and everyone who is working to deal with the aftermath of the disaster,” he added.
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CWN - The Vatican has welcomed three new families of refugees from Syria.
The three families will live temporarily in Vatican-owned apartments in Rome, which have previously been occupied by other refugees, who have now found more permanent dwellings. Two of the families are Christians, who have fled the prospect of religious persecution in their homeland; the third family is Muslim.
- Details - On Wednesday and Thursday, March 29-30, 2017 the Eastern Catholic Bishops of the United States of America gathered for their semi-annual meeting at the Maronite Center in St. Louis, MO.
Bishops meet twice a year to discuss important pastoral issue in the life of the Church in the U.S.A. During the Spring meeting bishops listen to the Catholic Relief Services, the Vibrant parish – a place to encounter the living Christ program presentations, discussed activities of Eastern Catholic Eparchial Directors, in the area of catechesis and religious education, and planned the future Eastern Catholic events and seminars in US.
- Details - On March 24, in the parish of St. Peter and Paul of the city of Leandro N. Alem, Misiones, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Head of the UGCC, in the frames of his pastoral visit to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic eparchy in Argentina, served the Divine Liturgy.
Together with the Head of the UGCC the Liturgy celebrated: Bishop Danyjil (Kozlinsky), eparch of the eparchy of the Veil of Our Lady, fr. Roman Zamikhovsky, eparch of this eparchy, fr. Hector Zimmer, fr. Taras Havryshko and fr. Nestor Harapchuk.
At the Liturgy were also present sisters Basilians, mayor of the city of Leandro N. Alem Diego Horacio Sartori and numerous faithful of this parish.
During his homily his Beatitude Sviatoslav said that today, on the eve of the Annunciation of Our Lord, with her "yes", Mary opens the door of the heaven. “Today we too can partake in this sacrament because it's about us, about our salvation. This salvation, this eternal God's providence, which is being revealed to the world, speaks about ourselves. For each of us, both in Ukraine and in Argentina, is a part of this God's providence," noted the preacher.
“It's a big joy for me to be able to return again to this beautiful parish, meet each of you, share with you some peculiarities of the growth of the parochial life," stressed his Beatitude Sviatoslav. "I would like to be a bridge between various eparchies of our Church in the world! I want you to know that Church-mother cares about you, prays for you and asks you, too, for a prayer at this uneasy time of war in Ukraine. May the Mother of God always be your heavenly patroness!" added the hierarch at the end.
After the Divine Liturgy in the parochial saloon took place the holiday dinner on the occasion of the pastoral visit of the Head and Father of the UGCC to the city of Leandro N. Alem.
Press-service of the Eparchy of the Veil of Our Lady
- Details - On Sunday, March 19, 2017 – Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross – St. Anne Ukrainian Catholic Church in Austintown, Ohio of the Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma hosted a luncheon for the residents and staff of Youngstown’s Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley. The event was the parish’s community outreach project as part of St. Anne Church’s 50th anniversary celebrations this year.
About 150 people from the Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma and beyond took part on March 19, 2017 in a luncheon at St. Anne Ukrainian Catholic Church in Austintown, OH in honor of residents and staff of the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley in Youngstown, OH. The outreach project, planned by the parish under the leadership of its pastor, Fr. Lubomyr Zhybak and Deacon Tom Bury, was part of the church’s 50th anniversary celebrations this year that also coincided in the Ukrainian Catholic Church with the year of diakonia, dedicated to the service to one’s neighbor.
The day began with an informative presentation in the church by the staff and residents of the Rescue Mission under the leadership of its current Executive Director, Mr. Jim Echement. It was followed by the celebration of a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, presided over by Bishop Bohdan Danylo, Eparch of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma and concelebrated by Fr. Lubomyr Zhybak, Fr. Bryan Eyman, pastor of St. Athanasius Byzantine Catholic Church in Indianapolis, IN, Deacon Myron Spak from Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carnegie, PA, Deacon Trevor Fernandes from St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church in Rossford, OH, and Deacon Gregory Loya from St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church in Barberton, OH. The Eucharistic celebration, which also concluded the annual youth lock-in retreat, traditionally held at St. Anne Church during the third Saturday and Sunday of Lent, in addition to the retreat’s participants, was likewise attended by the guests from the Rescue Mission, parishioners of St. Anne Church and Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Youngstown, OH as well as by some other visitors. In his homily during the Liturgy, Bishop Bohdan underlined the importance of serving one’s neighbors, especially the less fortunate ones, also accentuating the fact that it was Christ through His cross, Who saved mankind and not any human wishes.
After the Liturgy, everyone was welcomed to the adjacent parish hall for the delicious luncheon, prepared by the church’s parishioners. Special gratitude is due to the following people of St. Anne’s without whom the luncheon would have not been possible: Deacon Tom Bury’s wife Charlene and their son Cole; Lillian Yasnowski and her son Paul; Brandon and Brittany Bury; Myron and Tammy Lischak and their son Alex; Brian and Fran Chadwick; Paul Nachim; Carole Elias; Carol Kalosky and Joyce Budinsky. St. Anne Church’s parishioners also collected two big barrels of various items that are in the biggest demand at the mission.