risu.org.ua - On April 2, 2017, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church held a solemn liturgy to mark the 40th anniversary of episcopal ordination of Archbishop Emeritus Lubomyr (Husar) at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection. It was reported by the Information Department of the UGCC.
In his thanksgiving speech, the hero of the day voiced two requests to the clergy and faithful ...
“Today we commemorate the event, which happened exactly 40 years ago in the monastery church of Saint Theodore Studite in Grottaferrata near Rome. Patriarch Iosyp ordained three bishops: Bishop Stepan (Chmil), Bishop Ivan (Khoma) and me. This event is often referred to recently. This event was due to the concern for the existence of our Church in Ukraine and abroad. Patriarch Iosyp was afraid that the brutal persecution of the Church can cause great damage. So he dared to make such a very special step.”
“I would like to remind something from that past and ask you about something,” His Beatitude said. “Somehow, by God's providence it happened so that only I survivedout of those present at the monastery church. I feel the duty to extend special gratitude to all those present for the holy prayers, because today they remembered in a special manner while that time and those experiences. But it would be very little, if I asked for prayers only those present in Grottaferrata in the monastery church. I want to ask you very warmly that you remembered hundreds of thousands of people in your prayers who are also worried about the problem of our Church’s being. Because thanks to the ones who had such a sacrificialreadiness to carry the burden of persecution because of their fidelity to the holy Church, our Church exists today,” said the hero of the day.
Archbishop Emeritus continued, “This is my second request for you. The days of atrocious persecution are gone, but we always face the same mission, the same care to our Church, in the full sense of the word, was that very church where they love the Lord God, where they are willing to serve sacrificially to each other. My request to you on behalf of my brothers from the past, I ask you to pray and work so our Church could develop, live and in this way glorify God and serve our people!”