- On March 24, in the parish of St. Peter and Paul of the city of Leandro N. Alem, Misiones, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Head of the UGCC, in the frames of his pastoral visit to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic eparchy in Argentina, served the Divine Liturgy.

 Together with the Head of the UGCC the Liturgy celebrated: Bishop Danyjil (Kozlinsky), eparch of the eparchy of the Veil of Our Lady, fr. Roman Zamikhovsky, eparch of this eparchy, fr. Hector Zimmer, fr. Taras Havryshko and fr. Nestor Harapchuk.

At the Liturgy were also present sisters Basilians, mayor of the city of Leandro N. Alem Diego Horacio Sartori and numerous faithful of this parish.

During his homily his Beatitude Sviatoslav said that today, on the eve of  the Annunciation of Our Lord, with her "yes", Mary opens the door of the heaven. “Today we too can partake in this sacrament because it's about us, about our salvation. This salvation, this eternal God's providence, which is being revealed to the world, speaks about ourselves. For each of us, both in Ukraine and in Argentina, is a part of this God's providence," noted the preacher.

“It's a big joy for me to be able to return again to this beautiful parish, meet each of you,  share with you some peculiarities of the growth of the parochial life," stressed  his Beatitude Sviatoslav. "I would like to be a bridge between various eparchies of our Church in the world!  I want you to know that Church-mother cares about you, prays for you and asks you, too, for a prayer at this uneasy time of war  in Ukraine. May the Mother of God always be  your heavenly patroness!" added the hierarch at the end.

After the Divine Liturgy in the parochial saloon took place the holiday dinner on the occasion of the pastoral visit of the Head and Father of the UGCC to the city of Leandro N. Alem.

Press-service  of the Eparchy of the Veil of Our Lady