News News provides news focusing on the Christian East from varous sources and offers links to other sites dedicated to providing the news about the Church.
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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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CWN - A Syrian bishop has criticized the American air strike on Syria, saying that it took place without an adequate investigation into the chemical-weapons attack in the Idlib province.
Bishop Georges Abou Khazen, the vicar for Latin-rite Catholics in Aleppo, said that he was “baffled” by the speed with which the US acted. “This military operation opens new disturbing scenarios for all,” he said.
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CWN - Speaking at a conference on humanitarian needs in Syria, the Holy See’s Secretary for Relations with States confirmed the Church’s commitment to offering assistance.
“In 2016, the Holy See and the Catholic Church, through its network of charitable agencies, contributed to providing $200 million of humanitarian assistance of direct benefit to more than 4.6 million people in Syria and the region,” Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher said on April 4. “In distributing aid, Catholic agencies and entities make no distinction regarding the religious or ethnic identity of those requiring assistance, and seek always to give priority to the most vulnerable and to those most in need.”
He added: While the crisis has entered, regrettably and painfully, into its seventh year, the Holy See remains deeply concerned about the tremendous human suffering, affecting millions of innocent children and other civilians who remain deprived of essential humanitarian aid, medical facilities and education, and urges that international humanitarian law be fully respected, particularly with regard to the protection of civilian populations, guaranteeing them access to necessary medical assistance. Furthermore, the Holy See also expresses its concern for the conditions and treatment of prisoners and detainees.
- Details - Deafness and blindness are great personal tragedies, but deafness and blindness of the soul is more tragic. On Palm Sunday, Jerusalem was blind and deaf. Its people did not recognize the true mission of Jesus. Many in the crowds wanted a revolutionary and conqueror who would fulfill their expectations and help them realize their nationalistic hopes. Their souls were unmoved. In a few days, the crowds of people will change its heart and will call out for the crucifixion of Jesus. The disciples will flee and hide. Peter will deny Jesus three times. Imagine the loneliness felt by Jesus.
In each of our lives, there are Palm Sunday moments. Our Lord visits every soul. There are moments when we feel close to God. We feel Him touching our lives. We can hear Him. Regretfully, there are times when we are blind and deaf to God’s visits. We are insensitive to His approaches. These are missed opportunities, personal tragedies. We find ourselves hiding within ourselves and within our day-to-day concerns, hesitant to risk ourselves to respond to Jesus Christ’s presence and His inviting love.
On Palm Sunday, we receive blessed pussy willows as a symbol of our commitment to Christ. Remember that the first commitment was made by Jesus for you and for me with His complete love and sacrifice on the cross. Let your commitment be expressed through all your words and actions in life, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord!” Allow your love for Jesus Christ richly expresses itself in your faithful worship with your parish family in His Church. May your enthusiastic faith help others to shed their blindness and deafness to the visits of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in their daily life. Live the peace of Jesus Christ personally and share it with others who desperately need to hear of Christ’s promise of unending joy and peace with Him for all who believe and follow His ways! Choose to live as an Easter person!
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From Gregorios, servant of Jesus Christ,
by the grace of God, Patriarch of Antioch and of All the East,
of Alexandria and of Jerusalem,
to their Graces, the Bishops, members of the Holy Synod,
to our sons and daughters in Jesus Christ,
clergy and people, called holy, and to all those called
by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their and our God,
“grace be unto you and peace from our God and Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
(I Corinthians 1:3)
Children of the Resurrection
“Children of the Resurrection” is a beautiful title first used by Our Lord Jesus Christ in his discussion with a group of Sadducean Jews, who denied the resurrection of the dead. Christ countered their argument by saying that human beings after death “are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being children of the resurrection.” (Luke 20:36) He added, “Now that the dead are raised, even Moses showed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.” (Luke 20: 37-38; cf. Matthew 22: 31-32)
For each of you, this means that because you have been created in the image and likeness of God, you are a child of God, life and resurrection.
“Children of the Resurrection” is the splendid title given in the first centuries to Christians in the East. They are children of life since they participate in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I have great pleasure in addressing you, my dear friends, by this most noble and deathless title. You are children of the resurrection. You are children of Him who said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” (John 11: 25) You are children of Him who rose from the dead: like the son of the widow of Nain (Luke 7: 11-15) and Jesus’ friend Lazarus (John 11: 1-43). You are children of the resurrection, children of life.
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By Andrew Mentock - Every Sunday in Mishawaka, a Mass is celebrated at a church where the congregation’s view of the altar is mostly obscured by a screen of colorful iconography; the readings are spoken from the back of the church; and the body and blood of Christ are mixed together and administered on a spoon. Although quite different from the Mass that most of the faithful within the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend celebrate each weekend and Holy Day of Obligation, this Mass is nonetheless Catholic.
St. Michael Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church was established on the west side of Mishawaka in 1916 and has cared for the spiritual life of Eastern Rite Catholics ever since.
The first thing one who walks into St. Michael is likely to notice is the vibrant iconography painted onto the Iconostasis, or wall of icons and religious paintings, near the altar. The prominent yellow, red and blue colors stick out; as do the doors leading to the altar, which only the priest may use. The embellished images of Jesus, Mary, and several saints may lead one to incorrectly assume that St. Michael is an Orthodox Church.
“Any Catholic can come to St. Michael and receive Communion and attend the Divine Liturgy,” said Rev. George Kuzara CPPS, the parish’s pastor. Attending Mass at St. Michael on Sunday fulfills a Roman Catholic’s Sunday obligation.
St. Michael is part of the Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church, one of the 22 Eastern Catholic churches. Together with the Roman Catholic Church, they make up the one universal church.
“It’s important to understand the Eastern churches because of what Pope John Paul II said about how the church ‘breathes with both lungs.’ It doesn’t have one lung,” said Rev. Kuzara. “It has both the Eastern and Roman Catholic churches.”
- Details - On April 1-2, 2017, Bishop Danylo visited Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. Over the weekend Bishop Bohdan took part in the “Christ Our Pascha ” catechetical conference, met with youth and parish community.
The Pastoral visit culminated with celebration of the Pontifical Divine Liturgy on Sunday, April 2nd Bishop Danylo in his homily wished parishioners a blessed remaining pilgrimage through the Great Lent and a spiritual and prayerful celebration of the Holy Week and Easter.