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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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Today, July 14th., +Bp. Milan Šašik CM (1952-2020), the diocesan bishop of the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Mukachevo, Transcarpathia (Ukraine), died suddenly.
Blessed repose! Eternal Memory...Вѣчнаѧ памѧть! Boldog nyugalmat és örök emléket. (From Father Michael Hayduk)
In medical practice, a common reason for using oral steroids is to treat asthma. Patients with chronic lung disease can take periodic steroid bursts to reduce inflammation so they can breathe more easily. Steroids can also be prescribed at this AU website to address inflammation in other areas of the body. High doses are often used first to quickly resolve a problem and then gradually taper the dose so that the patient can be weaned off the medication.- Details
Sloatsbug, NY - Due to the Coronavirus, the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate Announce that the 66th Holy Dormition Pilgrimage August 8 -9, 2020 will be a Virtual Pilgrimage (via internet) this year. We had hoped that this year’s pilgrimage would have been a place of sanctuary where all of us could gather to replenish our souls after the devastating effects of this pandemic. However, there is still uncertainty as to when travel and gathering in large groups will be safe.We plan to live-stream Divine Liturgy for that weekend as well as offer other opportunities for the faithful to receivespiritual graces.We will try to have the Divine Liturgy also broadcast on television.We hope to provide opportunities for those who do not have internet access. Please watch for details in the near future at .
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Monasteries uphold the domestic church, and the domestic church is illuminated by the monasteries.
Robert Klesko |
It’s safe to say that 2020 has been a particularly trying year, especially for people of faith. We’ve been separated from our churches, from the sacraments, and from the spiritual nourishment of kinship and community. This year, especially through Lent and the Easter season, life felt especially dry and arid for many. It was within this desert of isolation that a stream of living water was opened up by my favorite Eastern Catholic nuns — the nuns of Christ the Bridegroom Monastery in Burton, Ohio.
The Monastery of Christ the Bridegroom is about a 45-minute ride southeast of Cleveland. It was founded in 2009 and was recently raised to a sui iuris monastery of eparchial right in 2019 by Bishop Milan Lach of the Eparchy of Parma (Ruthenian). The monastery is headed by Mother Theodora, who serves as hegumena (abbess) and currently has three “life-professed” members (also called stavrophore or “cross-bearer”) and two rasophore (“robe-bearer”) members. I was privileged to meet and spend time with Mother Theodora when she appeared on EWTN Live in July 2019. It was clear from my time with Mother that she is a woman who is in love with her vocation and deeply in love with Christ the Bridegroom.
It’s fairly uncommon, among Eastern Catholic monasteries, to identify the community ethos through the image and theology of Christ the Bridegroom. But when you spend time with the nuns, it becomes clear that it is a perfect fit! The striving for union with God, which is the singular occupation of monastic life — and indeed, all Christian life — is well encapsulated by marital imagery. Sister Petra, one of the rasophore nuns, explains:
The Bridegroom is the One Who pursues our souls and beckons us as His Bride, the Church into union with Him, “Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come!” (SOS 2:13) He calls us to union, yearning to penetrate every recess of our hearts with His life-giving Spirit, to bring forth in us spiritual fruit that will last for all eternity. To encounter Christ as Bridegroom is to know yourself sought and desired by God, purchased by a Love “stern as death” (SOS 8:6) It is to respond with the total gift of yourself to the God-Man, Jesus Christ; to know yourself claimed in love. Of course, this union becomes reality in prayer (we call our cell rule the hour of private prayer we each offer each day in our own cells our “spousal prayers”), through which we learn to hear His Voice and reveal ourselves to Him. The Bridegroom is the Fulfillment of all desire, but we in this world we are as yet only espoused to Him: the consummation will only be realized in Heaven. Thus, to turn to Christ as Bridegroom is to live in hope, with faith that “hope does not disappoint us” (Rom. 5:5).
This love of Christ the Bridegroom has produced spiritual fruit for several thousand recently through the monastery’s outreach during Lent and Holy Week. When the churches closed, the nuns (by way of a providential penance) took to building a guide for the domestic Church for Lent and Holy Week (now expanded beyond the Paschal season). Mother Cecilia, who spearheaded the monastery’s efforts, explains:
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By Mark Hofmann
Uniointown, PA (Herald Standard) - The 87th Annual Pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at Mount St. Macrina has been canceled, with a virtual pilgrimage in the works for this year.
“There’s just no alternative,” said Sister Ruth Plante, the provincial for the Byzantine Catholic Sisters of St. Basil. “There’s no way we can guarantee the safety of such a large group of people.”
Plante said the three-day pilgrimage sees an average of 3,000 to 4,000 visitors over Labor Day weekend to Mount St. Macrina on Route 40 west of Uniontown.
She said she and the organizers are disappointed to cancel the event, noting negative economic impact to local restaurants, hotels and other businesses that would provide services for those who came.
This year’s theme was celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Sisters of St. Basil, but Plante said God had other plans.
Click here to continue to read the article at the Herald Standard's website.
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McLean, VA - Photos from Holy Transfiguration Parish celebrating the Sunday of Orthodoxy. During Matins the Seventh Ecumencial Council was remembered wih the traditional procession with icons was held together with the pronouncement of the anathamas.
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