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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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21.05.2007, [10:19] // Orthodox // RISU.ORG.UA
Odesa – Bishop Ahafanhel (Pashkovskyi) of Tavria and Odesa (Ukraine) of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (ROCA) is negative about the union of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) with the ROCA, which occurred on 17 May 2007. In particular, he said: “In fact, this agreement does not solve anything. This union will not resolve any of the principal issues which, starting from Soviet times, have divided the Russian church.”
Bishop Ahafanhel expressed his concern that the ROCA will, in fact, become an annex to the Moscow Patriarchate. He stated: “This is not something we have strived for, at least not in Ukraine, as it means we will have to be part of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate [UOC-MP]. Here in Ukraine, we would like to remain the church of Rus, whose aim is to unite people of different nationalities who are willing to be brought up in the spirit of the spiritual tradition of Rus.”
But representatives of the UOC-MP treat the “Act of Canonical Communion” of the ROC and the ROCA as spiritual union, in the first place. In his commentary on the act, Patriarch Alexis II, head of the ROC, said: “This means that the ROCA will have its own hierarchal synod, call its own hierarchal sobor [assembly], appoint priests to parishes, and will be independent in the administrative sphere but, spiritually, it will be united with the [UOC-MP].”
Bishop Ahafanhel explained that one of the reasons why he opposes the union is that “in 1927 the Moscow Patriarchate went under the subordination of the Soviet government and continues to justify the Soviet period in its history.”
The ROCA in Ukraine has 30 parishes and one women’s monastery.
Sources and previous related RISU text:
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21.05.2007, [10:17] // Pope Benedict XVI // RISU.ORG.UA
Kyiv – The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) addressed Pope Benedict XVI with a request to help improve Ukrainian-Polish relations. In particular, the letter of the UWC mentions memorial plaques in St. Theresa’s Roman Catholic Church in Przemysl, Poland, which used to be the property of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) and now contains inscriptions offensive to Ukrainians. posted the news on 16 May 2007.
“Not mentioning that the UGCC has a right to the restitution of its former property (we believe that the return of the mentioned property would be most appropriate), we would like to address you about the issue of the church building itself,” reads the address of the UWC. “There are three bronze plates which honor the memory of Polish war veterans. However, in addition to that, they contain inscriptions that they were murdered by ‘gangs’ of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. Thus, despite being a religious building, this Roman Catholic church serves as an offensive anti-Ukrainian museum, causing ethnic hostility and humiliation.
“We would kindly ask you to look into the matter, as your spiritual intervention will further the development of Christian principles in the relations of the Polish Roman Catholic Church and its Ukrainian neighbors,” reads the text of the letter of the UWC to Pope Benedict XVI.
Copies of the letter were also sent to various Roman and Ukrainian Greek Catholic leaders.
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Baghdad (AsiaNews) – Yet another Chaldean priest was kidnapped this morning in Baghdad. He is Fr. Nawzat P. Hanna, parish priest of Mar Pithion, from the Baladiyat quarter. Confirmation of the abduction reached AsiaNews, via Msgr. Shlemon Warduni, Chaldean auxiliary bishop in the capital, who has invited Catholics to “pray for Fr. Nawzat’s immediate release”. The abductors have already made contact with the Chaldean Patriarchate, but as of yet there is no further news.
The priest was leaving the house of an ill parishioner, when he was stopped by a group of persons who had been waiting for him, says the bishop. Msgr. Warduni is convinced that a motive for ransom is behind the abduction, but among Baghdad’s faithful the rumour has spread that this morning’s sequester is in response to the Patriarch and bishops recent denouncements of persecution against the Christian community there. “By kidnapping another priest – anonymous sources tell AsiaNews – the terrorists kill two birds with one stone: they get rich and at the same time force the Patriarch to transfer him abroad, thus giving the whole community a very strong message”.
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VATICAN CITY, MAY 19, 2007 (VIS) - At midday today, the Holy Father received members of the "Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice" Foundation, which was established by Servant of God John Paul II in 1993 for religious and charitable purposes.
Addressing them, the Pope recalled how during their recent annual meeting they had considered the "most pertinent aspects of the Church's social doctrine with reference to the most pressing problems and challenges in the world today." He also expressed his thanks for the members' contributions "in response to the many requests for help that reach the Pope from all over the world."
Over these days, he said, "your attention has been focussed on Asian countries characterized by strong economic growth which, however, does not always lead to real social development, and on African nations where, unfortunately, economic growth and social development face many obstacles. What these peoples really need, as peoples all over the world need, is harmonic social and economic progress of truly human dimensions."
After recalling how this year marks the 40th anniversary of Servant of God Pope Paul VI's Encyclical "Populorum progressio," Benedict XVI pointed out how "that great pontiff strongly affirmed that 'development ... cannot be restricted to economic growth alone'."
"Concern for human beings' real needs, respect for the dignity of each individual, and a sincere search for the common good: these are the motivating principles that must be borne in mind when planning the development of a nation. Unfortunately, however, this does not always happen. Modern globalized society is often marked by paradoxes and dramatic imbalances.
"Indeed," the Holy Father added, "when one considers the sustained levels of economic growth, when one pauses to analyze the problems associated with modern progress - including pollution and the irresponsible consumption of natural and environmental resources - it is evident that only a process of globalization that remains attentive to the requirement of solidarity can ensure humanity a future of real wellbeing and stable peace for all."
"I know that you, professionals and lay faithful actively committed in the world, wish to contribute to resolving these problems in the light of the Church's social doctrine. You also aim to promote a culture of solidarity and to favor a form of economic development attentive to the real expectations of individuals and of peoples. ... Only by bringing together the three indispensable aspects of development - economic, social and human - can a free and united society grow."
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VATICAN CITY, MAY 20, 2007 (VIS) - At midday today, the Pope appeared at the window of his study overlooking St. Peter's Square to greet pilgrims gathered below and pray the Regina Coeli with them.
In his remarks the Pope recalled his recent apostolic trip to Brazil, which is due to be the subject of his next general audience on Wednesday, and he invited all the faithful to continue to pray for the Fifth General Conference of the Episcopate of Latin America and the Caribbean currently being held in the Brazilian city of Aparecida, and for "the journey of all the People of God who live in South America."
Benedict XVI also referred to the annual celebration of the World Day of Social Communications, the theme of which this year is "Children and the Media, a challenge for education." He said: "The educational challenges in the modern world are often linked to the influence of the mass media, which compete with school, Church and even the family.
"In such a context," he added, "appropriate training in the correct use of the media is essential. Parents, teachers, and the ecclesial community are called to work together to educate children and young people to be selective and to develop critical attitudes, cultivating a taste for what is aesthetically and morally valid. But the media must make their own contribution to this educational commitment, promoting the dignity of the human being, marriage and the family, the triumphs and achievements of civilization.
"Programs that inculcate violence and anti-social behavior, or that vulgarize human sexuality, are unacceptable, and even more so when directed at children. Therefore, I renew my appeal to leaders of the media industry and to those who work in social communications, to safeguard the common good, respect the truth and protect the dignity of the person and of the family."
Finally, the Pope recalled the fact that many countries celebrate the Ascension of the Lord today. "The Risen Jesus returns to the Father," he said, "and thus He opens the way to eternal life and makes possible the gift of the Holy Spirit." In closing, the Holy Father appealed to the Virgin to ensure "a renewed Pentecost" for the entire Church "
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VATICAN CITY, MAY 20, 2007 (VIS) - After praying the Regina Coeli today with thousands of people filling St. Peter's Square, the Pope made an appeal for an end to the violence in the Gaza Strip.
"The clashes between Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip," he said, "and the launching of rockets against the inhabitants of nearby Israeli cities which provoked armed retaliation, are causing a bloody deterioration of the situation which fills us with alarm.
"Once more, in the name of God, I plead for an end to this tragic violence. At the same time, to the much tried Israeli and Palestinian people, I wish to express my solidarity and closeness, and to give assurances of recollections in my prayers.
"I appeal to the sense of responsibility of all the Palestinian authorities so that, through dialogue and with firmness, they may return to the arduous path of agreement, neutralizing the violent elements. I invite the Israeli government to moderation and exhort the international community to increase its commitment in favor of a relaunch of negotiations. May the Lord sustain and support those who work for peace!"