23.05.2007, [10:57] // Charitable activities // RISU.ORG.UA
Lviv – On 19 May 2007 in Briukhovychi, a suburb of western Ukrainian Lviv, Patriarch Lubomyr (Husar), head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Cardinal Marian Jaworski, primate of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine, and Cardinal Adrianus Simonis, archbishop emeritus of Utrecht (Holland), participated in a ceremony opening a health center for children. Various leaders of churches functioning in the Lviv Region not only agreed to take part in the opening of the center but also offered to assist in its work.
According to the consul of Holland in Lviv, Bohdan Pankevych: “The opening of the center was possible due to the efforts of the Dutch-based St. Christopher Foundation for Children Requiring Special Care in Lviv, Ukraine. A charitable organization with the same name, aimed at supporting the work of the health center, has been founded in Lviv.”
The main objectives of the center are to help children who need special care and to conduct research and provide recommendations on the same high level as in similar establishments in Western Europe. Children will be given help free of charge.