But Notes That Divine Grace Still Did Wonders in the New World

VATICAN CITY, MAY 23, 2007 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI acknowledges that shortcomings accompanied the work of evangelization in the New World, but that the reality of these wrongful acts shouldn't overshadow the work of divine grace.

The Pope said this today during the general audience in St. Peter's Square. He dedicated his address to a reflection on his May 9-14 apostolic trip to Brazil.

The Holy Father explained: "The theme of the relationship between faith and culture was always in the hearts of my venerated predecessors Paul VI and John Paul II.

"I also wished to take up this theme to confirm the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean in their walk of faith that has been and still is a living history -- as we see in popular piety, art, in dialogue with the rich pre-Columbian traditions as well as numerous European influences and influences from other continents."

The Pontiff's inaugural message at the 5th General Conference of the Episcopate of Latin America and the Caribbean drew some criticism from leaders of indigenous groups.

Though Benedict XVI acknowledged dark moments in the history of the New World's evangelization, he called for gratitude to God for the work of grace among those peoples.

"A look back at a glorious past cannot ignore the shadows that accompanied the work of evangelization of the Latin American continent," the Pope said. "It is impossible to forget the sufferings and injustices inflicted by colonizers on the indigenous peoples, who often had their basic human rights trampled on.

"But the very mention of these unjustifiable crimes -- crimes that were condemned at the time by missionaries such as Bartolomé de Las Casas and theologians such as Francisco de Vitoria of the University of Salamanca -- must not stop us from expressing gratitude for the wonderful work carried out by divine grace among those populations in these past five centuries."


The Holy Father also reflected on present-day challenges affecting the country: "Brazil is a great country that has deeply rooted Christian values, but is experiencing enormous social and economic problems.

"To help resolve these problems, the Church must mobilize all of the moral and spiritual energies of its communities, to find points of convergence with the healthy energies of the country."

Benedict XVI reiterated his closeness to Brazil's prelates: "Conveying to them the support of the Successor of Peter was one of the major goals of my mission, because I know the great challenges that the proclamation of the Gospel faces in that country.

"I encouraged them to recover the style of life of the first Christian community, described in the Acts of the Apostles: dedicated to catechesis, the sacramental life and works of charity."

The Holy Father said he thanked God "for allowing me to deepen my communion with the Brazilian bishops and I continue to remember them in my prayers."

Code: ZE07052301

Date: 2007-05-23