Ottawa (taken from and other sources)

In 330 AD, the Emperor Constantine established a new capital for the Roman Empire on the site of a Greek colony called Byzantium. At its most extensive, in the 6th century, the Byzantine Empire stretched from southern Spain in the west to the border of Persia in the east; but by the middle of the 15th century, it had disappeared. Myrna Kostash tells the story of this political, cultural and economic superpower that stood astride the European and Middle Eastern worlds for more than a thousand years, an empire that, for most of us today, is all but forgotten.

Documentary is by the well known Canadian author Myrna Kostash, who is the author of “All of Baba’s Children” and other titles encompassing may topics, including all things Ukrainian. Along with Kostash as the narrator the show features John-Paul Himka, Robin Cormack, Larry Wolff, Bishop Kallistos Ware, Averil Cameron, Warren Treadgold, Simon Franklin and the Jonathans Harris & Phillips.

Part one airs on CBC Radio One on Monday, May 21, 2007 at 9:00 PM ET

Part two on CBC Radio One on Monday, May 28, 2007 at 9:00 PM ET

To listen live click here. Archive information not available at the time of this writing but archives might be available at