Comments on World Communications Day

VATICAN CITY, MAY 20, 2007 ( Benedict XVI defines programs with content that is violent, antisocial or degrading of human sexuality as "unacceptable."

The Pope's statement provoked applause from the tens of thousands gathered in St. Peter's Square today to pray the Regina Caeli on the 41st World Communications Day.

The Holy Father pointed out that theme for the media day is "Children and the Media: A Challenge for Education."

The Pontiff said: "The educational challenges of today are often linked to the influence of the mass media, which competes with school, the Church and even the family.

"In this context an adequate formation in the right use of media is essential: Parents, teachers, and the ecclesial community are called to collaborate to educate children and young people to be selective and to develop a critical attitude, cultivating a taste for what is aesthetically and morally valid."

"But the media too must make its contribution to this educational task," Benedict XVI said, by "promoting the dignity of the human person, marriage and the family, and the accomplishments and aims of civilization."

The Pope said: "Programs that inculcate violence and antisocial behavior or that vulgarize human sexuality are unacceptable, and much more so when they are directed at the young.

"Thus I renew the appeal to the leaders of the media industry and workers in social communications that they safeguard the common good, respect the truth and protect the dignity of the human person and the family."

Code: ZE07052005

Date: 2007-05-20