Says It Is Linked to Nuclear Nonproliferation
VIENNA, Austria, MAY 18, 2007 ( Disarmament and nuclear nonproliferation can work together to fight against terrorism and promote peace among nations, according to the Holy See.
Monsignor Michael Banach, the Holy See's permanent observer at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, said this at a preparatory meeting for the 2010 review of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
The nuclear nonproliferation treaty became international law in 1970. The 188 states that ratified it meet every five years to assess its implementation.
The first session of the preparatory commission ended May 11 in Vienna, and discussed preparations for the 8th Review Conference.
The Vatican representative called the 2005 Review Conference "less than satisfactory," since "it was not possible to adopt a substantial consensus document on account of the differences existing within the international community."
Three elements
In Monsignor Banach's address, he called for reflection on three elements leading up to the next review conference.
"A first element for our reflection is the recognition of the strong bond that exists between nuclear disarmament and nuclear nonproliferation," he said.
"They are interdependent and mutually reinforcing and their transparent and responsible implementation represents one of the principal instruments not only in the fight against nuclear terrorism, but also in the concrete realization of a culture of life and of peace capable of promoting the integral development of peoples in an effective way," Monsignor Banach added.
The 44-year-old priest considered the second element for reflection to be the need to create a climate of confidence and cooperation within the forum.
He said a "prevalence of individual interests over collective security" risked "weakening even further the already fragile frameworks on nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament."
"The [treaty] represents a fundamental pillar in nuclear nonproliferation, furnishing the legal basis not only for international verification on nuclear material, under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, but also for the elimination of nuclear weapons," he continued.
Monsignor Banach called for reflection on a third point: "The need to raise awareness within the international community so that it might be more ambitious in making the [treaty] an adequate instrument in the promotion of peace and international security."
The Holy See official encouraged "an analysis and determination of practical steps" to respond to problems in the process of disarmament and nuclear nonproliferation.
"The foundations of peace are built upon respect for human life and the primacy of the rule of law," he said. "The principal aim of the rule of law is, in fact, to substitute 'the material force of arms with the moral force of law.'"
Code: ZE07051806
Date: 2007-05-18