18.05.2007, [11:33] // UAOC // RISU.ORG.UA
Ivano-Frankivsk – Metropolitan Andrii (Abramchuk) of western Ukrainian Halych of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) confirmed his participation in the unification process of Orthodoxy in Ukraine and refuted all allegations concerning his adherence to the Moscow Patriarchate. vezha.com.ua posted the news on 15 May 2007.
The metropolitan believes that first all Orthodox branches will get involved in the process and later the Greek Catholics will. He said the Orthodox church can be full-fledged only when it is united; only in that case will it have influence on social life. And, as a result, he added, the denominations will not have any reasons for hostility. Moreover, the Ivano-Frankivsk Eparchy of the UAOC suggested that the patriarch should be elected in the future by casting lots.