MAYNOOTH, Ireland, MAY 17, 2007 ( Given the influence the media have on society, everyone is a stakeholder in the communications sector, said Bishop Joseph Duffy.

Bishop Duffy, the chair of the communications commission of the Irish bishops' conference, welcomed Benedict XVI's message for the 41st World Communications Day, which will be observed Sunday.

Bishop Duffy said, "World Communications Day is an important date in the calendar of the Catholic Church and it was the only worldwide celebration called for by the Second Vatican Council."

He added: "Whether as media producers or media end-users, we are all stakeholders in this important and powerful sector.

"We should, therefore, be proactive when is comes to supporting or challenging positions taken in, or via, the media, especially when such positions have implications for the mission of the Catholic Church."

Code: ZE07051705

Date: 2007-05-17