PARIS, MAY 4, 2007 ( The Holy See told a UNESCO conference that interreligious dialogue is a basic need for promoting peace in the world.

Monsignor Francesco Follo, the Holy See's permanent observer to the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, said this on April 24 at the conference. The Vatican press office released the text of his discourse, in French, on Thursday.

"In a world exposed to conflicts that run the risk of provoking acts of violence, the exchanges between cultures offer the possibility, more than ever, for meeting, dialogue and peace," Monsignor Follo said.

Citing Benedict XVI's Aug. 20, 2005, address in Cologne, he added: "Intercultural and interreligious dialogue is a basic need."

"We must recognize," Monsignor Follo added, that "religions have unfortunately been factors of violence in human history and this situation risks repeating itself in new ways."

Therefore, "it is necessary to underline that religions have contributed, and still can, to favoring social unity, reconciliation and peace," he asserted.

The Vatican representative explained that dialogue does not imply "undervaluing the differences among world religions," because they can "offer a great contribution in promoting cultural exchanges that, without hiding their differences, can serve to further justice and peace."

Code: ZE07050409

Date: 2007-05-04