- As part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, tomorrow, Thursday 18th January, in the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Sarajevo, the cardinal of Sarajevo Vinko Puljic will officiate an ecumenical prayer in the presence of the Orthodox Metropolitan of the Bosnian capital, Hrizostom (the highest rank in the Orthodox Church of Bosnia Herzegovina, which is under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Church). The Orthodox leader will give the sermon. The prayer will also be attended by the Orthodox priests of Sarajevo. Catholics will reciprocate the visit on January 25th in the Orthodox Cathedral of the “Most Holy Mother of God”, where a prayer for peace will be held and the sermon will be given by cardinal Puljic. The meeting will be followed by a moment of fraternal communion between the Catholic and Orthodox delegations. On January 20th, the usual ecumenical concert will be played by the Christians of Sarajevo in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. They will include: the “Concordia” choir of the Orthodox Cathedral, the “Josip Stadler” choir of the Catholic Cathedral, and Evangelical and Baptist delegates. According to the latest census (2013), Sarajevo has a population of 275,524, 222,457 of whom are Bosnians (Muslim), 13,604 Croatians (Catholic), and 10,422 Serbians (Orthodox). There are also three small Protestant communities: Evangelical Church, Christian Baptist Church, and Advent Christian Church.