Archbishop Samir Nassar was saved from death, he says, only because of a Providential trip to the restroom Jan. 8.

DAMASCUS, Syria — A bomb fell in the bedroom of the Maronite archbishop of Damascus last week. He was spared death, he says, only because of a Providential trip to the restroom.

Archbishop Samir Nassar related that a shell fell on his bed the afternoon of Jan. 8, when he had been taking a nap. He got up to go to the bathroom shortly before the bomb hit his room, and he said that “a few seconds at the sink saved my life!”

“Providence watches over his little servant, but now I am exiled like 12 million Syrian refugees who have nothing left,” he told Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need.

Archbishop Nassar’s cathedral was heavily damaged. He said: “The doors of the cathedral and 43 windows and doors have to be replaced, holes need to be filled, fuel tanks and water tanks need repairing, as does the electricity network.”

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