- Your presence demonstrates that resurrection of catholic education isn’t a case of Church merely. It’s a festivity and joy of the Universal Church entirely. His Holiness Pope Francis, who during this war has called UGCC “his favourite daughter” many times, rejoices together with us. And you affirm it always through your servicing.

Head and Father of UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav said, addressing to Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, Apostolic nuncio to Ukraine after the Divine Liturgy at Dominican Church in Lviv, January 28. The Liturgy was celebrated on occasion of 25th anniversary of establishing the first Greek catholic school in Ukraine – Sheptytsky Gymnasium.

His Beatitude Sviatoslav expressed his gratitude for “Pope Francis’s support of people who suffer in Ukraine”. “You, being his messenger, reach even those places, which our bishops cannot reach, so to fulfil their pastoral service. Parishes of Lugansk and Donetsk which we are obliged to care for, have finally been reached with a hand of Church owing to your visits”, His Beatitude Sviatoslav said.

Further on Head of Church thanking Apostolic nuncio, added: “We bring a testimony of son’s love and devotedness to His Holiness Pope Francis, a unity sealed by blood of our martyrs and confessors of our Church in XX century. Believe me, neither political affairs nor geopolitical game of the unity would ever be able to break it. So may God bless you in your mission, sending His Holy Spirit upon you”.

UGCC Department for Information