Fairfax, Virginia – Eastern Christian Publications announces new and featured books, audio CDs and video DVDs as follows:
New and Featured Books
- Back to the Garden - spiritual reflections on the readings from Genesis during the Great Fast by Father Jack Custer and others.
- Tea with the Theotokos - 60 reflections on Mary, the Mother of God, and her role in salvation history by Marianne Sailus.
- Journey Through the Great Fast - daily meditations from the Sundays before the Great Fast through Pascha from over 40 clergy and lay persons.
- Hearts Afire: Volume II - Spiritual essays on "fulfilling our destiny' by Deacon Ed Kleinguetl.
- Unfinished Business - a book of daily spiritual reflections for use during the Great Fast (Lent) by Marianne Sailus.
- Liturgy of the Word: History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom - Volume I - this is an English translation of the work of Father Juan Mateos, SJ, heavily edited, corrected and augmented by Father Steven Hawkes-Teeples, SJ.
- The Journey Toward Unity: Volume I - 50 years of agreed statements and documents from the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Dialogue.
- The Journey Toward Unity: Volume II - 50 years of agreed statements and documents from the International Orthodox-Catholic Theological Dialogue, and joint declarations of Popes and Patriarchs.
New from OLTV by the Uzhorod Seminary Choir
Audio CDs and Video DVDS are available for the following (members of the Uzhorod Seminary Choir recently gave numerous concerts in the United States to great acclaim):
- CT50: Encore Hymns - 17 additional choral arrangements recorded during the recent Concert Tour plus “God Bless America” in English
- CT51: Folk Songs - 16 folk songs from Transcarpathia along plus a dozen melodies for “Many Years”
- CT52: Concert at St John, Uniontown
- CD53: Concert at St John, Pittsburgh
- CD54: Concert at St Thomas, Rahway
- CD55: Concert at St Mary, Hillsborough
- CD56: Concert at Epiphany of Our Lord, Annandale
- CD57: Divine Liturgy at Mt St Macrina, Uniontown
- CD58: Divine Liturgy at St Elias, Munhall
- CD59: Divine Liturgy at St Thomas, Rahway
- CT60: Divine Liturgy at St Mary, Hillsborough
Featured OLTV Lectures for Lent
- AE17: Our Lenten Journey - talks on the Great Fast given by Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia at parishes during his US visit in 2010 (6 disks)
- AE09: The Eastern Fathers on Involuntary Sin - talks by Father Maximos of of Holy Resurrection Monastery in St. Nazianz, WI (7 disks)
- AE47: Churches of the Christian East - talks by Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia that introduce and explain the traditions of the Christian East that apply to both Orthodox and Catholic (9 disks)
The books are available on www.ecpubs.com and the CD/DVD recordings are on www.olfoundation.net, or by telephone at (+1) 703-691-8862.
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