- This year has not been easy, since it is another year of war. However, it was a year of a dynamic development of our Church. Monasticism reacts quickly to challenges our Church is facing today. It guides our Church in a spiritual way.

The Head and Father of UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav said 22 of December during an annual meeting with superiors and provincial superiors of monastic orders of UGCC.

According to Major Archbishop, development of the Church is impossible without spiritual guidance and spiritual growth. “Monasticism is a strength of our Church, lugs with what it breathes. Monks ought to say their word about a development of our Church, especially when it comes to mission challenges”. So, the participants of the meeting were discussing the development of UGCC in Central, South and East Ukraine in terms of evangelization and supporting those who suffer from war. “God will bless us as our monasticism is young and dynamic”. His Beatitude Sviatoslav said.

UGCC Department of Information