2007-04-23 - Jordanville, NY – Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY announces the 16th session of the Summer School of Liturgical Music, to be conducted this year from July 8 – July 21. This is a three year program of intense study of Russian Orthodox Church music, history, Typicon, vocal training and choir conduction, Slavonic, music theory and Liturgical Performance Practice.

The fee for two weeks of concentrated training (room, board, and tuition) is $ 900.00. If a parish sponsors the student, there is a $ 50.00 discount, i.e. the total fee is $ 850.00.

Contact Information:
Director: Archpriest Andre Papkov
Website: http://sslm.hts.edu
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: 847-299-2585