Ft. Lauderdale, FL - (2007-03-27 - www.goarch.org) – Orthodox Christian Network has been both surprised and thrilled at the success of the new 24 hour internet based radio outreach The Ark. This unique media ministry is harnessing the powerful technology of the internet to give our Orthodox musicians a place to use their gifts for God’s glory and the blessing of the Church.

Because of this new 24 hour, 7 day a week, ministry, OCN has more opportunities than ever to share the timeless beauty of Orthodoxy with so many. It also means we have more time to share the rich talents of our Orthodox clergy.

In the next few weeks OCN is thrilled to announce that the following Orthodox priests will start offering their thoughts and insight into life as an Orthodox Christian on a regular basis. It is a veritable list of “who’s who” among the men who serve the Orthodox Church here in the United States and a witness of OCN's commitment to a pan-Orthodox witness to America.

Fr. John Behr
Dean - St. Vladimir’s Seminary – Crestwood, NY

Fr. Bill Chiganos
Pastor – Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church, Westchester, IL

Fr. Stephen Freeman
Pastor – St. Anne Orthodox Church (OCA), Oak Ridge, TN

Fr. Antony Gabriel
Pastor – St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Montreal, Canada

Fr. Stanley Harakas
Pastor, St. Nicholas Chapel, Brooksville, FL

Fr. David Hester
Pastor – St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Fr. Thomas Hopko
Dean Emeritus of St. Vladimir’s Seminary – Crestwood, NY

Fr. Christopher P. Makiej
Pastor – SS. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church, Andover, MA

Fr. Michel Najim
Dean – St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral, Los Angeles, CA

Rev. Dr. Christopher Metropulos, founder and Executive Director of OCN, said “These men are powerful teachers of the Orthodox faith and we at OCN are honored that they have agreed to share their insights on The Ark. This is the value of this new technology. We now have a powerful way to share the messages and ministry of these men with the whole country”

Visit our web site at www.receive.org and listen to The Ark to hear these new teaching program resources and podcasts. And keep watching our site for our second radio ministry – the Rudder – that will feature Orthodox liturgical music from all over the world.

OCN is a commissioned agency of SCOBA, the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, and our Orthodox hierarchs have directed OCN to find effective ways to use modern media to raise awareness of our Orthodox faith in the minds of the general population and to be an “assistant” to local parish priests in keeping our faithful attached to the Church between worship services.

For more information contact:

Chuck Powell, Development Director