According to the Information Department of the UGCC, Bishop Stephan invited one of the bishops who minister in central and eastern Ukraine in order to acquaint the faithful of Toronto’s eparchy with life of the UGCC in this part of Ukraine. In addition, Bishop Vasyl’ during meetings with the faithful of the UGCC in Canada will present the needs of the Church in eastern Ukraine, and will describe pastoral ministry of priests
Among others, the program will include a showing of photo and video materials about the life of parishes of central and eastern Ukraine. “So that the people who will be interested to help will be able to see the real condition of our communities in these parts of Ukraine,” remarked Bishop Vasyl.
“I have hope that people who are interested in helping the development of our communities will come forward. Besides, I hope warm connections between parishes in Eastern Ukraine and in the Toronto Eparchy will form, which will lead to permanent cooperation,” concluded the auxiliary bishop of the Donetsk-Kharkiv Exarchate.
Background information
Today on the territory of the Kyivan Archeparchy and three exarchates – Donetsk-Kharkiv, Odesa-Crimean, and Luts’k – are registered 180 parochial communities. Here minister 146 priests and 26 deacons. The number of faithful who regularly take part in the divine services is about 35 thousand.
More detailed information about the UGCC in eastern Ukraine can be viewed here: