“St. Paul, the Apostle of Joy” is the culmination of a special yearlong observance of the bi-millennial anniversary of the birth of St. Paul marked by both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. It is presented in celebration of Sacred Heart University’s new Chapel of the Holy Spirit, which was dedicated Sept. 27, and to honor the 10th Enthronement Anniversary of the Archbishop.
The event is cosponsored by The Human Journey, the Cardinal Spidlik Center for Ecumenical Understanding, and Orthodox Clergy Fellowships and the congregations they represent. A reception will follow the lecture, hosted by Sacred Heart University and the Ladies Philoptochos organization of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Bridgeport, Conn.
Sacred Heart University, the second-largest Catholic university in New England, offers more than 40 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs on its main campus in Fairfield, Connecticut, and satellites in Connecticut, Luxembourg and Ireland and has approximately 6,000 students in attendance.
Driving directions to the SHU campus are available at: http://www.sacredheart.edu/pages/2710_fairfield_ct_campus.cfm
8-10 East 79th St. New York, NY 10075-0106 * Tel: (212) 570-3530 Fax: (212) 774-0237
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Stavros Papagermanos