VATICAN CITY, MARCH 22, 2007 ( Benedict XVI told doctors, nurses and other health care workers that their credibility depends on their respect of and love for life.
The Pope gave them this message today when receiving in audience participants of the plenary session of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Ministry.
The Holy Father stated: "Esteem for and confidence in health care workers are proportional to the certainty that these professional defenders of life will never lack respect for a human life, even that of the disabled, and that they will always know how to encourage every attempt at healing."
He said that the commitment to offering care should be extended "to every human being, with the intention of covering their whole existence."
The Pontiff recalled: "The modern concept of health care is, in fact, human promotion: It includes everything from caring for the sick to preventive care, searching for greater human development, favoring an adequate family and social atmosphere.
"This ethical perspective, based on human dignity and on the fundamental rights and duties connected to this, is confirmed and strengthened by the commandment of love, the center of the Christian message."
Code: ZE07032204
Date: 2007-03-22