Clearwater, FL - 2009-03-14 - Eight bishops representing the Ukrainian Catholic hierarchy of North America gathered for two days of meetings in Clearwater, Florida 10-11 February. Most Rev. Stefan Soroka, Archbishop of Philadelphia and Metropolitan for Ukrainian Catholics in the USA welcomed the participants of the two-day meeting, “It is good to be together for the next few days. It will provide us a chance to pray together, to discuss both our shared challenges and blessings.
His Grace Stefan headed up the American delegation consisting of Most Rev. Richard Seminack of St. Nicholas Eparchy of Chicago, Most Rev. Paul Chomnycky OSBM, of the Stamford Eparchy and Most Rev. John Bura, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia.
Most Rev. Lawrence Huculak OSBM, Archbishop of Winnipeg and Metropolitan for Ukrainian Catholics in Canada led the four-member delegation from Canada also consisting of Most Rev. David Motiuk of the Edmonton Eparchy, Most Rev. Ken Nowakowski of the New Westminster Eparchy and Most Rev. Bryan Bayda C.Ss.R., of the Saskatoon Eparchy.
The bishops received a presentation by Mr. Guy Camarata and Mr. Charles Neubecker who have been working closely with His Beatitude Lubomyr Cardinal Husar, head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and the Patriarchal Curia on the development and overall structuring of the Patriarchal Curial offices in Ukraine. Their presentation to the bishops was on the “Strategic Sudies & Roadmapping – Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church”. The bishops along with Mr. Camarata and Mr. Neubecker discussed ways of positive areas of support for the work of the Curia and underlined the need to ensure good communications.
The two-day meeting allowed the bishops to evaluate and further develop the areas of pastoral collaboration between the American and Canadian Metropolia especially in the areas of seminary formation.Immediately following their meeting the Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchy of North America met with the Hierarchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of North America for a two-day meeting. This encounter allowed the Bishops of the two Churches the opportunity to discuss areas of pastoral concern for their faithful of the Ukrainian communities in Canada and the USA. (See attached Press Release in {English only} re: “Encounter” of the Ukrainian Hierarchs of North America)
Contact person:
Most Rev. Ken Nowakowski