09:04 20.01.09 09:04 - ugcc.org.ua - From January 7, 2009, Bishop Dionisiy (Lyakhovych), according to the advice of the Patriarchal Synod of Bishops, which took place on September 2-9, 2008, was named by His Holiness Benedict XVI as Apostolic Visitator for Ukrainian Greek-Catholics in Italy and Spain. The web page of the UGCC in Italy, www.chiesaucraina.it, reported about this. In addition, according to the decree of the Pope of Rome from December 15, 2008, Bishop Hlib (Lonchyna) was recalled from fulfilling these duties; he became the Apostolic Visitator on March 4, 2004. 

"The government of an Apostolic Visitator does not foresee lifelong implementation, and this is a task which is given in consideration of the necessities and possibilities of individuals. Because Bishop Hlib (Lonchyna) executes special tasks in Ukraine (curial Bishop, head of the Department of Church Commissions and plenipotentiary for the monastic affairs of the Patriarchal Curia - author) his tasks as Apostolic Visitator for Ukrainian Greek-Catholics in Italy and Spain will be executed now by Bishop Dionisiy (Lyakhovych).” His Beatitude Lubomyr explained the reason for the change to the Information Department.


According to the explanation of the Head UGCC, in connection with the appointing of Bishop Dionisiy as the Apostolic Visitator for Ukrainian Greek-Catholics in Italy and Spain, he stopped carrying out his duties as curial Bishop and member of the Synod of Bishops of the Kyiv and Halych Major Archbishopric. Thus he is now a member of the Patriarchal Synod of Bishops of the UGCC.

The biography of Bishop Dionisiy can be read on the official web page of the UGCC at: www.ugcc.org.ua/38.0.html


Information Department of the UGCC