Dearly Beloved in Christ!

To Reverend Bishops,

Honored representatives of the state regional, district and local authorities,

Brightest pastors,

Reverent monks and nuns,

Dear faithful!

With divine permission a great misfortune has visited some of our regions: the rivers burst their banks and did very much harm, and even caused the death of a few dozen people. Also very huge, although the final calculation has not even yet been done, is the financial harm, about which the media reports in detail. With all our heart we express our sincere regret and compassion to the families of the victims.

At the same time, in these days not many pay attention to the fact that, in the middle of all this misfortune, very much good is being done. This suffering became an occasion to show the kindness of our own hearts. You who help, dearly beloved in Christ, did and will do in the future much good for those who suffered. And precisely for this sacrificial activity of yours, which is revealed in a great number of ways and forms, I wish to give you great recognition, and in the name of all those whom you helped to express sincere gratitude. We unite in prayer with all of you, those who suffered and who help, so that the burden of losses does not seem too heavy and the desire to help is not extinguished.

A helping hand for the need of those who suffered during the tragedy which was caused by nature teaches us that we are one large nation. Despite the tendentious claims of politicians, help for Ivano-Frankivs’k and nearby regions is coming from the eastern edge of our country. The miners of Luhans’k with their wonderful gesture show that we are one nation, and that the opposition of east and west about which the politicians tell us is their invention, or even worse, their insidious policy. In these events we have another proof that our compatriots from one part of Ukraine gladly help compatriots of another part of this one, great people, joined particularly in soul. The words said to a certain group of politicians are bitter, but the facts lead us to this.

Once this song-prayer was very popular:

“God, hear our petitions,

Misfortune destroys our land,

in unity is the strength of the people,

God, give us unity.”

Those who sang this prayer did it often under the impression that this misfortune which destroys our land is exclusively external factors which operate from outside Ukraine. How sad it is to think that the irresponsible sons and daughters of our own nation very often cause misfortune. In these days, in particular, with a sincere heart we should sing this song again, noting the two last lines.

