Lviv—On 18 May 2008, members of the Ukrainian military embarked on an international jubilee pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. After liturgy at the chapel of the Lviv Military Institute attended by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this thirteenth official military delegation left Lviv. It has been headed by Bishop Mykhail (Koltun) of the Sokal and Zhovkva Eparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church for many years.
The pilgrims will spend 13 days on the road visiting Poland, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Hungary. The official ceremony in Lourdes is to start on 24 May. The event is notable for its evening procession with torches and candles. The Ukrainian clergy are to co-celebrate a liturgy for Slavs in the Mesabel cave.
On the way back, the group will visit Rome. The Ukrainian delegation is to meet with Pope Benedict XVI at St. Peter’s Square on 28 May.