07.05.2008, [13:07] // UGCC // RISU.ORG.UA
On 3-4 May 2008, at the Lavra [Major Monastery] of the Holy Dormition of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) in western Ukrainian Univ, Lviv Region, on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the renewal of Studite monastic life, solemn celebrations took place. In addition to this jubilee, on these days Blessed Archimandrite Klymentii (Sheptytsky) was honored. An important event was the granting of stauropegion status (direct dependence to the patriarch) to the Lavra of the Holy Dormition in Univ.
As part of the celebration, on Saturday May 3 at the conference hall of the Lviv Palace of Art (Kopernika Str., 17) a scholarly conference was held. The following lectures were given: “Blessed Martyr Klymentii as a model of holiness” (lecturer, Fr. Borys Gudziak, Ph.D., rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University); “Memories of Fr. Klymentii” (Mr. Adam Daniel Rotfeld); “Blessed Archimandrite Klymentii and the Sheptytsky family” (Dr. Andriy Sheptytsky); “The role of Blessed Martyr Klementii in the renewal of Studite monasticism” (Bishop Hlib (Lonchyna)); “Father Klementii as a righteous of the nations” (Mrs. Olha Fadeyeva). At the same time a movie was shown about Blessed Martyr Klymentii. The conference finished with a performance of the Axios choir. Then at 18.00 in the Church of Saint Michael, great vespers with litany was celebrated.
On Sunday 4 May in the village of Univ at 10.00, a pontifical Divine Liturgy was led by Patriarch Lubomyr (Husar), head of the UGCC. During the Liturgy the decree about granting the Lavra of the Holy Dormition in Univ the status of stauropegion will be proclaimed. At 12.00 the ceremonial unveiling of a memorial tablet in honor of Blessed Archimandrite Klymentii (Sheptytsky) was held. Then an exhibition of archival photographs was viewed.
A stauropegial monastery (monasterium stauropegiaceum), in other words, under patriarchal jurisdiction (monasterium iuris patriarchalis), is a monastery which is subject directly to the patriarch (can. 434 Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches). The CCEC distinguishes 3 types of jurisdictional status of monasteries (can. 434): a) papal, b) patriarchal, c) episcopal. Consequently, granting the Lavra of the Holy Dormition in Univ the status of stauropegion means raising it to patriarchal status.